Mon 20 Jan 2025 (NO FLIGHTS)
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BRS Bristol AMS Amsterdam RVN RovaniemiKL1076KL1257
BRS Bristol BGY Milan RVN RovaniemiFR3560FR6192
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BRS Bristol DUB Dublin RVN RovaniemiFR505FR9793
BRS Bristol AMS Amsterdam RVN Rovaniemi(overnight)KL1082KL1257
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BRS Bristol AMS Amsterdam RVN RovaniemiKL1076KL1257
BRS Bristol DUB Dublin RVN RovaniemiFR505FR9793
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BRS Bristol DUB Dublin RVN Rovaniemi(overnight)FR509FR9793
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BRS Bristol DUB Dublin RVN RovaniemiFR507FR9793
BRS Bristol AMS Amsterdam RVN RovaniemiKL1074KL1257
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BRS Bristol DUB Dublin RVN RovaniemiFR507FR9793
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RVN Rovaniemi DUB Dublin BRS BristolFR9794FR508
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RVN Rovaniemi AMS Amsterdam BRS BristolKL1258KL1083
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RVN Rovaniemi AMS Amsterdam BRS BristolKL1258KL1083
RVN Rovaniemi DUB Dublin BRS Bristol(overnight)FR9794FR504
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RVN Rovaniemi AMS Amsterdam BRS BristolKL1258KL1083
RVN Rovaniemi DUB Dublin BRS Bristol(overnight)FR9794FR506
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RVN Rovaniemi DUB Dublin BRS Bristol(overnight)FR9794FR504