Complaints Policy & Procedure
1. Scope and Purpose
Scope: This policy is designed to ensure that everyone is responsible for the service they provide to our customers at Bristol Airport. The policy is also designed to inform customers of what they can expect when they raise a complaint with us.
Purpose: Bristol Airport is committed to providing a quality service for all customers; however, we do accept that at times we may fall short of what both we and our customers would expect. Bristol
Airport values open and honest feedback from our customers; allowing us to review and listen to customers to improve the way in which we deliver our services. This policy and procedure outline the way Bristol Airport will facilitate complaints.
2. Complaint Definition
Bristol Airport defines a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with the services that Bristol Airport provides either directly or indirectly. A complaint will be accepted regardless of whether it is delivered verbally, in writing or via social media or any other communication channels.
3. Policy Statement
- We will only investigate complaints made within 2 months of the event.
- We will ensure that everyone is treated fairly and without discrimination as defined in the Equalities Act 2010.
- Where a third-party act on behalf of a customer we will, in accordance with data protection regulations, ensure that we have the customer’s permission to discuss the complaint with that third party.
- All complaints will be recorded on a dedicated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Data Protection Act 2018).
- We will ensure that making a complaint is as easy as possible.
- We will listen to what is being said, so that we can understand where our service has not met our normal high standards.
- All complaints will be reviewed and processed fairly and honestly.
- We will learn from complaints, using them to implement service improvements and determine future strategies, policies and procedures where appropriate.
- Where a complaint is upheld and financial loss has been incurred, we will seek to address this on a discretionary basis.
- It is Bristol Airport’s aim to always deal openly, honestly and in good faith with all our customers. However, there may be occasions when those who complain to us may choose to be unreasonable. In those circumstances we may consider to no longer engage with the complainant further. This will be done in accordance with our Customer Care Policy and Procedure.
- If, while the complaint is being investigated, the customer (or their third party) brings any litigation claim or legal proceedings against Bristol Airport, we will end the management of the complaint. This is to ensure that our actions are in no way prejudicial to any such proceedings.
4. Complaints Performance Standards
- Complaints and review requests will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt.
- A response will be provided within 15 working days providing a summary of points raised and any actions that may be taken.
- Complaint trends and performance are regularly monitored and reported to senior management teams and service managers across the business; including our Business Partners. A quarterly report is also shared with the Bristol Airport Consultative Committee.
- Senior management teams receive a quarterly anonymized report of complaints made, their resolutions and the service improvement made. This forms part of our wider insight into Customer Experience.
5. Complaints Procedure
Stage 1
A complaint is fully investigated by a Customer Relations Executive. From acknowledging the complaint to its full response, they will ensure that the customer is provided with an explanation and an outline of any actions that will take place following their complaint.
Stage 2
If the customer is unhappy with the response, they can request for their complaint and the response to be reviewed by a Senior Manager. The request must clearly explain the dissatisfaction with the response, the reasons why a review is requested and the resolution they are looking for.
If the customer is unhappy with the response from the Senior Manager, they can ask for the decision made in respect of their complaint to be reviewed by a Director. The request must clearly explain the dissatisfaction with the responses and the reason why the appeal is requested. If it is considered that the request is unreasonable the appeal will be denied, the complaint will be closed, and the customer will be provided with advisory guidance on the next steps.
The Aviation Adjudication Scheme
Bristol Airport is a member of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), one of the largest Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) providers in Europe. CEDR is a Civil Aviation Authority approved ADR provider. In some cases, where a resolution cannot be found between Bristol Airport and the customer, they will be able to take their case to CEDR. Details can be found at