Our policies
Bristol Airport Limited in exercise of the powers conferred on it by sections 63 and 64 of the Airports Act 1986, and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following byelaws which shall apply within Bristol Airport.
Modern Slavery Act
Bristol Airport has a zero tolerance policy towards modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any other parts of our business.
Bristol Airport Group Tax Policy
This policy has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 19(2), Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016 and details Bristol Airport Group’s commitment to compliance with tax law and practice.
Gender Pay Gap
At Bristol Airport we are proud of our culture which embodies a “One Team” approach - focussing on solutions and great service - but recognise that, in line with the wider aviation and infrastructure sectors, we have significant challenges in redressing the gender pay gap.
UK Aviation Industry Code of Practice on Disruptive Passengers
Bristol Airport is a signatory to the UK Aviation Industry Code of Practice on Disruptive Passengers.
Disruptive behaviour at Bristol Airport is rare but the potential impact can be significant for passengers, colleagues and aircraft. The Code of Practice has been developed by the aviation industry to establish a consistent approach to addressing and minimising disruptive passenger behaviour. Our commitment, as signatories of the code, is to ensure passengers have a safe and enjoyable travelling experience, and to provide a safe and pleasant work environment for our colleagues and partners.
Get on Board
Bristol Airport's Get on Board campaign outlines the consequences of disruptive behaviour at the Airport.
Supplier Terms and Conditions
Bristol Airport’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
Complaints and Insurance Claims Policy and Procedure
This policy and procedure outlines the way Bristol Airport facilitates complaints and insurance claims.
Safe use of drones
The use of drones is becoming more widespread, therefore anyone who is using a drone recreationally or commercially must take responsibility for doing so safely and in accordance with the law.