New Chair of Bristol Airport’s Consultative Committee appointed
Created: 21st Oct 2022Bristol Airport’s Airport Consultative Committee (ACC) is an independent committee representing stakeholders’ interests and involves being a constructive and critical friend to Bristol Airport.
Following an extensive search and selection process by a interview panel Mr David Hall has been appointed Chair of the Airport Consultative Committee.
The ACC is an independent forum enabling communities in the vicinity of the Airport, local authorities, local business representatives and other interested parties to exchange information and ideas. It is independently chaired and membership compromises stakeholders from local communities, business groups and airport users. Bristol Airport’s CEO and members of the senior management team also attend the meeting.
The ACC provides an opportunity for interested parties to better understand the Airport operations and a forum for the concerns of interested parties to be raised and considered by the Airport, with a genuine desire on all sides to resolve any issues that may emerge.
Mr Hall has served as a Somerset County Councillor for over thirteen years - twelve years as Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Community Infrastructure and Planning and 6 Years as Deputy Leader. In addition to working as a Sedgemoor District Councillor for 4 years, he was also a member of the Joint Authorities local government Implementation Board. A Board Member of the Heart of the Southwest Local Enterprise Partnership and Chair of the Somerset Rivers Authority.
Mr Hall, Chair of Bristol Airport’s ACC said:
“I am delighted to be appointed Chair of Bristol Airport’s ACC and to be working with such a diverse and constructive Committee. The Airport is an important part of our economy and our community in the South West region. It is therefore essential that all stakeholders are kept well informed and able to contribute and engage.
I look forward to working with all parties in the future.”