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Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

The Bristol Airport Limited (Land at A38 and Downside Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020


1.1 On 15 September 2020, Bristol Airport Limited (BAL) made the Bristol Airport Limited (Land at A38 and Downside Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020 (the Order). The Order is required to support BAL's planned increase in the permitted passenger cap at the Bristol Airport from 10 million passengers per annum (mppa) to 12 mppa, which was the subject of an appeal against the refusal of planning application (reference 18/P/5118/OUT). The planning application (approved at appeal but currently subject to a statutory review) includes a number of new infrastructure components offsite to support the proposed increase in passenger numbers and to ensure safe and efficient passenger movements to and around the airport site. Highway works to the A38 and Downside Road are required to accommodate additional traffic generated by the additional 2 mppa. BAL needs to secure the acquisition of the land subject to the Order to be able to deliver the Highway Works.

1.2 The Highway Works, the Bristol Airport expansion proposals and the justification for the Order are described in more detail in the Statement of Reasons linked below.


2.1 A compulsory purchase order is a process available to entities such as BAL to allow them to buy land compulsorily. BAL is the relevant airport operator for Bristol Airport, and on being authorised by the Secretary of State for Transport to do so, has the power under section 59 of the Airports Act 1986 to acquire land compulsorily for any purpose connected with the performance of its functions as an airport operator.

2.2 Those parties from whom interests are acquired are entitled to compensation.

2.3 Further information about the compulsory purchase procedure can be found here: Compulsory purchase process and the Crichel Down Rules, Coronavirus (COVID-19): compulsory purchase guidance and Compulsory Purchase and Compensation- Compulsory Purchase Procedure.


3.1 The Order was submitted to the Secretary of State to request its confirmation.

3.2 Notices publicising the making of the Order appeared in the Western Daily Press on Thursday 17 September 2020 and Thursday 24 September 2020. Notices were also erected on the Order Land notifying of the making of the Order. The period for submission of any objections to the Order expired on 16 October 2020. By that date, 32 objections had been made to the Secretary of State.

3.3 On 29 January 2021, the Secretary of State gave notice to BAL that a public inquiry would be held into the Order. This inquiry has been conjoined with the inquiry into the appeal relating to the planning application.


4.1 The Secretary of State has directed BAL to produce its Statement of Case in accordance with the Compulsory Purchase (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2007 by 12 March 2021. A copy of BAL's Statement of Case is available linked below.


5.1 Links to documents relating to the CPO are below. In addition, documents put forward by BAL to the Planning Inquiry can be viewed here.


1. Compulsory Purchase Order and supporting documents:

1.1 The Order 

1.2 The Order Map

1.3 Statement of Reasons

1.4 Statement of Case

All Planning Application and Appeal documents can be viewed here.

2. Objections to the Compulsory Purchase Order

2.1. OBJ 1, objection letter from Hawthorn Leisure (Mantle) Limited

2.2. OBJ 2, objection letter from The Trustees of the Sir J V Wills Will Trust

2.3. OBJ 3, objection letter from Tracy Harding

2.4. OBJ 4, objection letter from North Somerset Council

2.5. OBJ 5, objection letter from Congresbury Parish Council 

2.6. OBJ 6, objection letter from Parish Councils Airport Association

2.7. OBJ 7, objection letter from Chew Magna Parish Council

2.8. OBJ 8, objection letter from Backwell Parish Council

2.9. OBJ 9, objection letter from Sir John and Lady Beringer

2.10. OBJ 10, objection letter from Tim Hollins

2.11. OBJ 11, objection letter from Colin and Christine Turton

2.12. OBJ 12, objection letter from Elizabeth Porter

2.13. OBJ 13, objection letter from Iwona Judkowska

2.14. OBJ 14 objection letter from Andy Connell

2.15. OBJ 15, objection letter from Jill Jones

2.16. OBJ 16, objection letter from Kate Bird

2.17. OBJ 17, objection letter from Yvonne Kempster

2.18. OBJ 18, objection letter from Rosa Richards

2.19. OBJ 19, objection letter from Sustainable Clevedon

2.20. OBJ 20, objection letter from Stop Bristol Airport Expansion

2.21. OBJ 21, objection letter from M F Hutchison

2.22. OBJ 22, objection letter from Cleeve Parish Council

2.23. OBJ 23, objection letter from Jonathan Hoey

2.24. OBJ 24, objection letter from T Gould

2.25. OBJ 25, objection letter from Heather Fuller

2.26. OBJ 26, objection letter from Trevor Mitchell

2.27. OBJ 27, objection letter from Nicky Connell

2.28. OBJ 28, objection letter from Nicholas and Jill Higgins

2.29. OBJ 29, objection letter from David Bignell

2.30. OBJ 30, objection letter from Gilly Riddington

2.31. OBJ 31, objection letter from J A T Pays 

2.32. OBJ 32, objection letter from Torin Menzies

CPO Decision

On 16 March 2023, the Secretary of State confirmed the Compulsory Purchase Order without modification.  The decision, along with the Inspectors’ Report and Annex A can be viewed here:

Decision Letter

Inspectors’ Report

Annex A

Confirmed CPO